The Official Site of School of the Holy Spirit HS Batch 1984
Virtual Yearbook
(Edano - Evidente)Inspite of the "totay" 80s hairdo's, the bad (some really bad!) prose, and even worse poetry, we all treasure our high school yearbook, less for what was actually in it, and more for what it stood for -- four years with girls with whom we shared our fondest adolescent adventures.
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | J | L | M | N | O |
| P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Z | Under-grads |
Mary Ann P. Edano "I am willing to lend a helping hand as long as I know I can handle it."
Maria Andrea E. Espinas Mysterious as she is, she's never without company,
This is insured by her refined personality.
She's the neatly-pressed clothes and well-groomed hair
Who, whenever needed, is always there.![]()
Eloisa L. Estrella Another pretty lass who has an eye for beauty as revealed through her artistic inclinations. She easily wins friends and keeps them and she never fails to show that she appreciates shared interludes with friends.
Annaliza P. Evidente Cha-cha is the dynamic girl who believes in putting to practice the knowledge she has gained in school. She is the girl who has already gone far yet will never be content to rest on her laurels.
Copyright 2001-2003 SHS High School Batch 84. All rights reserved.
Last updated: 23 January 2003