The Official Site of School of the Holy Spirit HS Batch 1984
Virtual Yearbook
(Oca - Orendain)Inspite of the "totay" 80s hairdo's, the bad (some really bad!) prose, and even worse poetry, we all treasure our high school yearbook, less for what was actually in it, and more for what it stood for -- four years with girls with whom we shared our fondest adolescent adventures.
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | J | L | M | N | O |
| P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Z | Under-grads |
Macarena Angeles L. Oca Caren is the girl with expressive smiles that show just how much she cares -- indeed, smiles which only a friend can give. Times with Caren are special times of social and spiritual growth.
Nerissa C. Ocampo "It may hurt each of us when parting day comes but the thought of becoming and remaining a part of each other is what counts most."
Simone Ruby S. Orendain Simone presents an interesting paradox of pride and humility ... but whatever she may be, Simone will be but remembered as everybody's supportive friend.
Copyright 2001-2003 SHS High School Batch 84. All rights reserved.
Last updated: 23 January 2003