The Official Site of School of the Holy Spirit HS Batch 1984
Virtual Yearbook
(Sabarre - Sulit)Inspite of the "totay" 80s hairdo's, the bad (some really bad!) prose, and even worse poetry, we all treasure our high school yearbook, less for what was actually in it, and more for what it stood for -- four years with girls with whom we shared our fondest adolescent adventures.
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | J | L | M | N | O |
| P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Z | Under-grads |
Carla V. Sabarre Her smiling face and silence are quite thought-provoking, coupled with a pleasant disposition and humility. With her simple ways, Carla has quietly but surely marked our level with priceless memories.
Maria Rosanna S. Salazar "I want others to know that if ever I will change, it will always be for the better."
Maria Esther B. Salcedo "I have always been cheerful enough to take one's blues away, to be considered as everybody's friend."
Maria Lily N. Sanchez Lily is that quiet girl in class who surprises everyone with her sudden bursts of humor. Perhaps what makes her such a talented actress is her deep understanding of different people around.
Maria Elvira M. San Juan Accused of speeding
While she is talking,
Shows her numerous ideas.
Ideas, some think, that may be
Her road to being the First Lady.![]()
Maria Susanna Milagros S. Santos Remember the laughter,
Remember the tears,
Cherish the memories
Of our yesteryears.![]()
Katrina Michaela M. Santos Intoxicating and infectious best describes her loud laughter. Katrina's outlook in life is obviously optimistic. Her friends mean a lot to her so it comes as no surprise that Katrina also means a lot to them.
Melanie M. Santos Melanie lives to dispel the cliche that everybody forgets when one does right yet everybody remembers when one does wrong. She bears no grudges ... small wonder that we find her a definite asset of Bayanihan.
Carissa R. Sena "I am a peron who is not very different from others because I need some things they need. It's just that people need different amounts of everything."
Maria Christine R. Sevilla "I know that I have talents, and if that is all I have, then that is all it takes to make it."
Chevrolei Nelia D. Siazon Eventhough she's shy, she enjoys meeting different kinds of people. Chevy takes her studies seriously, as she considers education as her best investment for the future; but she's capable of mischief too, when she's in the mood.
Maria Nona R. Simbulan Noncy's a born leader, strong-willed yet resilient. With her optimism and dual talent in dancing and singing, she is an understanding friend and that makes her truly special.
Carmela Socorro B. Sinco "Even if there is nothing that can really be done, it will be consoling if one can lend a shoulder to lean upon."
Rosalyn V. Sta. Ana She is one who would willingly go over
Her barrier of shyness
Just to help a friend in need.![]()
Plevisita D. Sulit Plevie is a delightful bundle of a girl who's naughty and nice. She believes that a little laughter to cheer people up makes life worthwhile.
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | J | L | M | N | O |
| P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Z | Under-grads |
Copyright 2001-2003 SHS High School Batch 84. All rights reserved.
Last updated: 23 January 2003