The Official Site of School of the Holy Spirit HS Batch 1984
Virtual Yearbook
(Macalaguim - Mozo)Inspite of the "totay" 80s hairdo's, the bad (some really bad!) prose, and even worse poetry, we all treasure our high school yearbook, less for what was actually in it, and more for what it stood for -- four years with girls with whom we shared our fondest adolescent adventures.
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | J | L | M | N | O |
| P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Z | Under-grads |
Regina A. Macalaguim In the awesome world of reality,
One may encounter many difficulties.
Yet one should never fear,
For Gina's always here with a listening heart and ear.![]()
Karen F. Madarang "I have experienced being the shoulder to cry on, being that wall with ears yet no mouth, being that person people simply run to -- and I find it touching."
Maria Liza S. Madulid "Every inch a lady" as one would say,
An image of decency can she portray.
She's lady-like in every sense,
And this is one description that fits her best.![]()
Maria Leah G. Magallanes Leah is the pretty, charming girl of Bayanihan whose trendy fashion is stamped with her own brand of class, elegance and simplicity. She has tons of patience and understanding, coupled with a generous heart and considerate nature.
Mona Liza S. Magno "I don't have to collect remembrances, for the thought of having been with my friends and being part of them is remembrance enough for me."
Maria Lourdes D. Makabenta Mailu is an articulate young lady who excels in her academics. She seems to have an inherent affinity with Shakespeare. But behind this serious facade is a lurking laughter that occasionally brightens our day.
Maria Lourdes F. Manalansan Lourdes may be moody but she's also a cool lady even in the face of seemingly endless problems. She may be immersed in her own problems, but she never fails to be accommodating, showing concern for others.
Maria Virginia B. Mangosing Virgie is a big girl with an even bigger heart whose day never passes without her laughter ringing out through the classroom. She exudes an inner beauty, reflecting the sunnier side of life which will last through the years.
Gloria M. Maniago Gloria is the amiable lass whose natural ways make a refreshing change from the common crowd. She is never too busy to lend a helping hand ... a faithful friend who has set herself lofty ideals.
Mary Joyce Teofista D. Manigbas Her soft voice and warm smile,
Make her friendship so worthwhile.![]()
Maria Cecilia R. Mantes Munchies is the cute baby of Sandiwa. Though at times she may be moody, she never fails to win us over with her sweet, child-like manner and diverse interests ... put it down to growing up!
Maria Liza Antoinette J. Maravilla Tonette is one of the few girls who have successfully managed to engage in sports with a feminine flair. She's a delightful treat ... a spice of sweetness, a dash of understanding and a bit of patience, strength with determination and perseverance.
Kareen V. Marcelo "Life feeds blooming and unflinching love and yet yields tormenting and flinching hate."
Jessica D. Matsuda The world with laughter she can fill,
Yet there remains a problem still:
That whenever a joke she cracks,
It's not the joke; but her laughter they laugh at.![]()
Rhodora L. Medina "Some will only recognize you through your pockets, not through your true self. I think that what the world needs now is simplicity."
Mary Ann S. Mendoza "I believe that one can become a better person through learning experiences."
Maria Victoria E. Mendoza She is ready to give all of herself to those in need ... a supportive ally that can stand the test of time and crisis. Victoria -- a valued friend who values friends in return.
Maria Benadette T. Mesa The graceful lass, whose dancing is just as expressive as her articulate manner in talking, never fails to brighten up a dull day.
Pia Maria Angela Josefina C. Millar She's the one who knows what she needs,
And thus a fruitful life does she lead.
To school she brings all useful things,
That gives her no need to ask for anything.![]()
Maria Rosario Arlene Z. Mojares "I want other to remember me as someone who really tries hard when I want something."
Maria Bernadette A. Molina "People change, this I know
But improvement in change is not always so
It all depends if a person believes
That improvement can to a better life lead."![]()
Maria Teresa S. Montecastro I want my friends to know and see
That trustworthiness still remains in me.![]()
Maria Laura A. Morales Some may think a heart of stone I have,
Which is, in my opinion quite is sad
For, in reality,
Anyone who needs help can alway approach me.![]()
Beverly Ann A. Mozo. She is a good entertainer, light on her feet and always ready to dance the show away ... enjoys a good laugh with friends and a sharing of the ups and downs of life. Her generous ways are in keeping with her warm and open nature.
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | J | L | M | N | O |
| P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Z | Under-grads |
Copyright 2001-2003 SHS High School Batch 84. All rights reserved.
Last updated: 23 January 2003