The Official Site of School of the Holy Spirit HS Batch 1984
Virtual Yearbook
(Racelis - Ruiz)Inspite of the "totay" 80s hairdo's, the bad (some really bad!) prose, and even worse poetry, we all treasure our high school yearbook, less for what was actually in it, and more for what it stood for -- four years with girls with whom we shared our fondest adolescent adventures.
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | J | L | M | N | O |
| P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Z | Under-grads |
Carolina A. Racelis She's one of the few people who have the guts to speak her own mind. Others may get a false impression of her but when one gets to delve deeply into Carol, one finds a warm and loyal friend.
Maria Virginia V. Ramirez "Life is life a long journey -- one may experience happiness in discovering new places and different people but in every happiness there are contradicting problems and troubles."
Anna Marie Geraldine M. Ramos Ayie's deceptively small frame hides a big heart. Whenever we'll think of a pretty lass who's the staunch ally of all, Ayie will always come to mind.
Anne Belen Josephine P. Ramos Joy by name and joy by nature ... the pretty girl who flashes her stunning smile that reveals her inherent optimism. She is another girl of many talents who attributes her success to God.
Maria Leizl G. Ramos Leizl is another Dear Abby who offers a sympathetic ear and sensible advice to those saddled with problems. She has the qualities of a dynamic leader who leaves a mark of herself to all.
Maria Angelita Z. Recitas Angie's funny face matches her sunny disposition and fondness for equally fun but satirical jokes. She cherishes her fun-filled interludes with friends just as her friends will always remember her with great fondness.
Teresa C. Relatos "I live life according to my own values and beliefs, not anyone else's."
Maria Aurora Patricia A. Reyes Despite her cool poise, Au is very approachable, always easy with her infectious laugh. Au's bubbling company is always welcome ... come rain or shine.
Carmela A. Reyes She's the somebody
Who's simple and frank to everybody,
And one of her goals she sees in life
Is to one day become a good housewife.![]()
Gina B. Reyes "There are certain limits of friendship: one can know another; but can never be the other."
Noemi D. Reyes There is more to Noemi than a unique Biblical name. With quiet confidence, she pursues her ambition in life for personal growth and fulfillment.
Cynthia S. Rivera Cynthia is an eternal surprise with the many facets of her personality. Each facet is a delightful discovery of the special girl she can be.
Deidre B. Rodriguez Many a person does she meet,
Many a friend does she seek.
'I don't want to be out of style," she does admit
But she does make sure this stays within certain limits.![]()
Monica Ana A. Rosario She believes that one must be frank to the other,
In order that the other's life may be led towards the better.![]()
Mary Josephine G. Roy "It's sad to say
That others may
Judge you on what is outside
But outside one can never find
The real identity that exists inside."![]()
Phyllis Mary M. Ruiz Phyllis is a multi-talented girl who believes in developing her potentials and living life to the fullest. But she will be remembered as that funny girl who thrives in making friends.
| A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | J | L | M | N | O |
| P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Z | Under-grads |
Copyright 2001-2003 SHS High School Batch 84. All rights reserved.
Last updated: 23 January 2003